Agile Transformation

Embrace agility and accelerate your time to market.

Your Agile Vision Becomes Reality

Charter Global’s Agile coaching, mentoring, and consulting can help you achieve the specific Agile outputs you envision for your organization. We help you embody an Agile mindset so that you can make the most out of Agility frameworks for high-quality deliverables. With our assistance, you’ll be able to make Agile practices a positive part of your company culture. From development to deployment, complex projects can be completed within budget, on time, and with minimized risk.

Agile Coaching & Mentoring

We provide Agile implementation guidance as requested by you upon the assessment completion to understand your vision, goals and pain points.

Agile Coaching & Mentoring
Agile Consulting

Agile Consulting

Our Agile team completes an assessment to understand your vision, goals and pain points. We work with you to craft a suitable strategy. At Charter Global, we drive Agile transformation in your organization through:

  • Agile implementation guidance
  • Agile consulting
  • Coaching & mentoring
  • Understanding your pain points & goals
  • Crafting suitable Agile strategies for your success

Agile frameworks, like Scrum as a service, advocate for an iterative development cycle. It aligns with the application modernization approach of incremental phases rather than a one-time overhaul.

Agile Transformation Tips

  • The healthier your culture is, the smoother your transition to an Agile mindset & practicing Agility frameworks will be
  • Match existing & new talent/responsibilities to Agility roles that fit your organization and projects
  • Select the proper tools & frameworks at enterprise level
  • Craft the definitions of “Ready” and “Done” for the work and projects that need to be delivered
  • Think built-in quality and value-add in everything you do
  • Build incrementally for release-on-demand
  • Continuously improve


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